
Tai Chi


When we see a Tai Chi practitioner during his/her practice, they look like they are engaged in a beautiful and graceful dance. If you observe them more closely, you will see a gentle stillness and may even feel more relaxed just by watching. Tai Chi has often been called 'moving meditation' and has long been known as a way of developing health and longevity. Though it is a gentle practice, Tai Chi is a very powerful way to improve one's health by bringing the mind, body and spirit into harmony. 


Tai Chi enables all of the body’s systems to function more efficiently. Through gentle stretches, turns and movements, it exercises parts of the body underutilized in daily life and other exercise regimens. The student learns to move from their center, while remaining grounded and rooted to the earth. Pivots, kicks, turns and the shifting of weight help the practitioner attain greater balance over time. The focused use of breath enhances the flow of energy throughout the body. As the student becomes more adept at the external physical form, the focus turns inward, allowing the practitioner to feel and direct the movement of their own internal energy.

Furthermore, what is not well known, is that every motion within the form has applications for self-defense. Originating over 850 years ago by Zhang San Feng on Wudang Mountain in the Hubei Province of China, Tai Chi is based on the observed movements of animals. For the student pursuing a disciplined study of martial arts, Tai Chi is a “soft” form, where one learns to utilize one's own energy while taking advantage of the opponent’s energy and momentum to maximum effect. For the student interested in the health and relaxation benefits of the practice, the martial arts applications provide great imagery necessary to better see and feel the movement while learning. Tai Chi truly is the “Supreme Ultimate.” 

People who practice this ancient Chinese art develop healthy bodies and sharp minds. The student, over time, is able to use these motions to more effectively facilitate the movements of every day life.

There are many different Tai Chi forms to choose from. All of them ultimately provide the same benefits. For the beginner, we recommend a simplified form such as 24 Movement Yang Style Tai Chi Form


Can anyone do Tai Chi?

Anyone with the ambition to practice Tai Chi can learn it. It can also be modified for most physical conditions. There is no need for any special equipment, just comfortable clothing. We encourage people not to put a time limit on their learning experience. This discipline is about self-cultivation, a time you give to yourself to find inner tranquility. 

For more information or any questions, contact Judi Hason at 908.777.5254 or by email: wudangsoul@yahoo.com


Tai Chi instruction in the courtyard of the
Purple Cloud Temple, Wudang Mountain,
China, built during the Ming Dynasty

Judi Hason is a Certified Tai Chi, Qigong & Meditation Instructor practicing in the Hunterdon County, New Jersey and surrounding area.
© All Artwork, Photography & Text Copyright Protected Judi Hason.
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